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Social Media Marketing For Men’s Fashion Brands

Fashion is all about aesthetics, it always has and always will be. A piece of clothing does well if it looks nice, if it doesn’t, then it flops. Well, most of the time anyway. It makes sense, therefore, that fashion and social media marketing are natural bedfellows. Growth on social media, and especially on platforms such as Instagram, hinges entirely on their visual appeal.

People can now build whole careers building up and managing social media accounts. As such, utilising social media marketing for men’s fashion brands is one of the best ways of growing your brand organically. Brand awareness is crucial in the fashion industry; you want to be instantly recognisable, something that everyone knows. The social media department here at our agency, a marketing and PR agency based in Den Bosch, got together and brainstormed just why social media marketing is so beneficial for menswear brands.

@laurenslindeman w/ @Giorgio_1958

Be At The Forefront Of Trends In A Truly Instant World

Due to the instant nature of social media, new ideas and trends can spread like wildfire. Many people now get their news onsocial media apps like Twitter,rather than with actual news outlets. It only takes a few high-profile names or celebrity profiles to get sharing something, before it starts trending. Social media, if used properly, is a great means of generating hype and positive noise around your brand.

Capitalising on the social media trends at the time will keep you ahead of the competition. Instead of playing catch up, you’ll be leaving them behind you in a trail of dust. A brand that’s savvy with social media is incredibly appealing to the younger generations. Social media marketing for men’s fashion brands is becoming one of the most foremost means of generating brand awareness.PR still remains an incredibly valuable asset to men’s fashion brands,as does paid advertising and organic copywriting. But the future well and truly lies in social media marketing. 

The Influencer Market Isn’t One To Be Missed Out On

Whether you like it or not, influencers now form a large swathe of the influencer marketing sector. Influencers regularly collaborate with fashion brands, both big and small. Your target audience are more likely to buy into your brand concept if they see someone they respect and follow repping it. They’re far less likely to invest in a company simply marketing their product. It’s only a slight difference, but it’s one that can make all the difference.

The influencer market is wide and varied. You may not be able to access the top tier of influencers, the truly huge social media names; that may not necessarily be a bad thing, as trends are showing an increase in the prominence of micro and nano influencers. These smaller scale influencers command a smaller, but more loyal following. If you can get these sorts of personalities to work with your brand, you’ll most likely generate a good buzz around your brand; this will then, hopefully, translate into sales and revenue.

With new kinds of influencers popping up every other day, it’s an avenue worth capitalising on. Failing to use influencers social media marketing for men’s fashion brands will only leave you with yourself to blame should you fail to kick on as a brand further down the line. If the opportunities are there, then utilise them.

Content, Consistency And Competence

For your social media marketing campaign to be a success, you need to ensure you’re doing three main things. Firstly, the content you’re posting needs to be of a high-calibre. This is especially important within the fashion industry, in which the aesthetic of anything that your brand is associated with, is put under immense scrutiny. You should be putting out high-quality, well-lit images and also utilising graphic design for your brand as a bare minimum. Nothing is more off putting to your target audience than a lack in professionalism.

Secondly, social media marketing for men’s fashion brands requires an immense level of consistency. Your campaign manager should be scheduling regular content to be put out across various social media platforms at high-performing times. This more analytical side of things may be tedious and dull, but it’s no less important than the more creative part. In fact, it’s arguably more important. Nine times out of ten, a consistent account will perform better than one running hot-and-cold. Finally, you need competence. Social media marketing isn’t as simple as putting out a nice post or picture, you need to analyse the analytics behind it, the trends and everything else in-between.

Managing social media campaigns is a full-time job and requires a great deal of knowledge, experience and patience; it shouldn’t be seen as something that can simply be hashed together in a matter of minutes. This is a mistake that far too many menswear brands make. They spend so much time on getting the product itself right, that their social media accounts often seem like an afterthought. You can have the best line of t-shirts in the world coming out, but if they look amateur online, then there’s little point.

Need Social Media Marketing For Men’s Fashion Brands? Contact Us

From Instagram to TikTok, Facebook to Snapchat, there are so many different social media platforms to capitalise upon. For better or worse, the world now revolves around social media. There was a time, when people may have thought social media would come and go, another passing trend, but that notion has well and truly been put to bed. It’s now an inescapable part of our lives.

With so much of our time being put into these apps by society, it’s important that your brand uses it to the best of your abilities. Fashion lends itself so naturally to social media marketing, that it’s almost a crime not to make the most of it! So, if you’d like tofind out more about social media marketing for men’s fashion brands, then get in touch! Call us today +316 15 47 17 32

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